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Lot 3

[American Revolution] [Revere, Paul] Partially-printed Colony of the Massachusetts Bay bond
Sale 5778 - Books and Manuscripts: Rare Americana
Nov 15, 2022 10:00AM ET
Live / Philadelphia
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Lot Description

[American Revolution] [Revere, Paul] Partially-printed Colony of the Massachusetts Bay bond

Rare Paul Revere-Engraved Loan Certificate Issued to a Participant in the Boston Tea Party

Massachusetts, June 22, 1775. One sheet, 7 1/4 x 7 in. (184 x 178 mm). Partially-printed Colony of the Massachusetts Bay loan certificate (No. 376), engraved by American Patriot and silversmith, Paul Revere, and issued to Long Wharf merchant and participant in the Boston Tea Party, Joseph Lee (1744-1831), for "the Sum of fifty Pounds--lawfull money for the Use and Service of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay...promise...to repay...the first Day of June one Thousand Seven hundred & Seventy Seven...in Spanish Mill'd Dollars, at Six Shillings each, or in the Several Species of coined Silver & Gold...with Interest to be paid annually at Six per Cent."; "(Am)erican Paper." printed below vignette on left. Signed by Henry Gardner as Receiver-General, crossed-out in red ink; counter-signed by Samuel Dexter, M(oses). Gunn, and Lem(ue)l. Kollock in different colored inks; signed on verso by Lee; MS. on verso, "William Blaekler/Consolid 344.15/Decer. 1 1781". Brigham, pp. 141-142; Anderson MA 1, High R6: "13-20" surviving examples.

This is the first Massachusetts loan certificate engraved by Paul Revere and it is the first of its kind issued by the revolutionary Massachusetts government to help finance the American Revolution. It was issued as a result of a £100,000 loan that was authorized by the Provincial Congress on May 3, 1775, only weeks following the outbreak of hostilities at the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and the beginning of the American Revolution.

Joseph Lee was a successful Boston-based shipmaster, ship builder, and merchant, who traded in the Caribbean and with Spain. On the night of December 16, 1773, Lee was one of several participants who helped dump over 300 chests of tea from the English ships Dartmouth, Beaver, and Eleanor, in Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. Lee was an active participant in the Revolution, built privateer ships for the Continental Navy, and attained the rank of Captain.

A lovely example of this historic Revolutionary document.

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